Here are some pictures of bamboo in my garden.

First some overview pictures of this very small garden (5 x 10 Meters)
All bamboos are in pots of different sizes.

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A small pond at the left
(pic oct 96)
left and back
(pic oct 96)
(pic oct 96)

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Phyllostachys bissetii (pic oct 96)
Bought oct 95 in Bali,
as a very small plant.
Phyllostachys nigra punctata
(pic oct 96)
Got 1 culm from a friend July 96
Phyllostachys aurea (pic oct 96)
Got 2 culms from a friend in July 96
At the moment 1 new culm is arising

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Pleioblastus humilis (pic oct 96)
Got 1 culm from a friend July 96
now there are already 4 culms

Pleioblastus linearis (pic oct 96)
Bought mar 95 as a small plant
first year only small new culms arized
This year it grows to 2 meters
Pleioblastus fortunei (pic oct 96)
Bought mar 96 as a small plant

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Sasa veitchi 'minor' (pic oct 96)
Got 2 culms from a friend in July 95

Pleioblastus viridistriatus (pic oct 96)
Bought in mar 95
Has been cut of completely in spring
Fargesia nitida (pic oct 96)
Bought in may 95
15 new culms arized this year

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Sasa tsuboiana (pic oct 96)
Already dropping many of it's leaves, but a tremendous grower
Bought in aug 95
An overview of the above bamboos (pic oct 96)
From left to right,Fargesia nitida, Sasa tsuboiana, Pleioblastus humilis (hardly to see), Pleioblastus linearis and Sasa veitchi 'minor'.
Sasa palmata (pic oct 96)
This plant almost died during the winter, no new culms, only a few leaves.

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Fargesia murielae (pic oct 96)
My first bamboo, received from my sister in aug 94.
It started flowering spring of this year
Close up of the flowers of the Fargesia murielae
(pic oct 96)

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Phyllostachys aureosulcata spectabilis
(pic oct 96)
Got 1 culm of a friend in July 96.
One small new culm is coming.

Phyllostachys aureosulcata aureocaulis
(pic oct 96)
This one almost died caused by the frost.
All leaves were gone. No new culms this year. Now there are some small leaves.
Bought in July 95.
Phyllostachys nigra boriana
(pic oct 96)
Got a small plant of a friend in July 96.
One big new culm is coming

As you can see, it is possible to have many different species in a small garden.